Stipend Opportunities

Check out the best stipend opportunities and paid event staff roles available on Tourney Direct. It’s easy, sign-up, express your interest, and if selected by the event operator for a paid position, you’ll receive an e-confirmation. Search by sport, location, and date below to effortlessly find and express your interest in stipend opportunities to event organizers.

Use Filters to Find the Right Stipend Opportunity

Before signing up for a stipend, take advantage of the filtering tools to find stipend opportunities that best align with your skills, schedule, and preferences. Here's a quick guide:

Step 1. Stipend Type

Select whether you’re interested in opportunities for Coaches, Athletic Trainers, Officials or Day-of-Event Staff. This helps you tailor the results to match your area of expertise.

Step 2. Event Type

Select whether you’re interested in opportunities for Boys, Girls, or Both. This ensures that you are matching the events to your focus.

Step 3. Optional

Select your sport, location, and preferred dates to easily find events that match your expertise, geographic area, and availability.

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